Use Your Passion for the Kingdom
You're passionate and looking for a way to use it

God has gifted you with a passion to serve Him and serve others. We beleive that you can do so from wherever you are no matter what limitations you feel you have. God has gifted each and everyone of us certain abilities to use for His glory and purpose. We want to empower you to use them here to help us serve the needs of those that do not attend, or have, a local physical church.

Serve Him
You can use your passion to serve others through Innovate Church:


Prayer - Will you commit to praying for us and others regularly?

Prayer Partners - One on one prayer teams.

Advocates  -Some people that come to us may need some special needs, service, that you can help them obtain.

Social Media - You're probably better at social media than we are. 

Video - We'd love to have some help with our video shooting and editing.

Website - Keeping the website up to date is a task in itself! Maybe it's something you'd like to do?

Community Leaders - We're always looking to branch out into your personal community. You can lead a local community group.

Group Leaders - We're always looking to start new small groups. Maybe there's something you'd like to group some folks around, such as hobbies, interests, or passions.

Women's Ministry - Women leading other women in faith and life. Walking together in the journey.

Men's Ministry - Kingdom Men! Men that want to help encourage each other to lead and serve their families.

Children/Youth - Got a passion for children or youth? Let's talk!

Musicians - We'd love to use your talents to help others worship the Lord through song!

Financial Partners - Yes, we need the funds to grow into what the Lord wills for us and to reach more folks with the love and salvation He offers. Even the smallest of regular gifts will help us tremendously.


Got an idea we didn't list here? If so, please let us know! We want you to use your gifts and we want to help you fulfill your God given calling and purpose!


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